UNITED KINGDOM - Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)
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Passenger's portable oxygen equipments
Updated on 06 Aug 2024

Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine (CPAP)

Passengers who need to use their POC (Portable Oxygen Concentrator) and CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machines (used in sleep apnoea) on board, among others, will be accepted on TAP-operated flights as long as there are no other related health problems and they will not be considered Medical Cases.


Please contact TAP in advance, preferably no later than 72 hours before your flight's departure:

  • report any heart or respiratory illnesses or the need for a wheelchair. The Medical Case procedures must be followed if the passenger has other related illnesses, such as heart or respiratory disease. In this case, the passenger's assisting doctor must fill out the MEDIF form for TAP's medical services assessment of the acceptance conditions.
  • if the passenger declares that they do not have any associated illnesses and if the device is autonomous (running on its battery for the duration of the flight), the use of the device is automatically confirmed and the passenger can be accepted in any seat on the aircraft. 
    Information on the type of equipment, brand, model, dimensions, weight of the device and, most importantly, the batteries must be assessed by TAP to insert a mandatory SSR CKIN in the booking. Contact your usual Support Desk or Contact Centre to provide this information.

    Is it for on-board use or just for transport?


    What health problem is the equipment intended for?


    Is the equipment fully autonomous?


    Does it have batteries?


    What type of batteries?


    Number of batteries and duration:


  • if the device needs to run on the aircraft's power supply, it may not always be confirmed, due to constraints related to each type of aircraft and/or class/cabin. If this is the case, contact your Helpdesk. It is only possible to obtain confirmation of onboard use within 72 hours of the flight's departure (when the aircraft planned to operate the flight in question is known).
  • If the device is not intended for in-flight use and will only be transported, TAP accepts POCs and CPAPs as hand luggage, provided they are within the recommended limits for this type of luggage. Passengers must carry an original medical statement with them, to be presented whenever requested by airport authorities and/or airline representatives. 


According to IATA, the criteria for CPAP and POC acceptance is now the assessment of the batteries (and no longer a list of pre-approved models).

For TAP's Security department to quickly analyse and confirm the conditions for acceptance on board, the brand and model specifications, the type of battery(s) and/or a photograph of the battery(s) must be sent to TAP.

For oxygen (AOXY) use on board please see also Medical Cases page.


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