UNITED KINGDOM - Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)
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Business Class Meals
Updated on 31 Oct 2024

Our menus, from Portugal, value Portuguese products and traditional desserts, so that what is national can reach the world. 

On intercontinental flights (departing from America, Tel Aviv, Luanda and Mozambique), our menus favour fresh local produce. 

We also favour fresh and sustainable ingredients.

Our meals

The type of meal may vary depending on the destination and the flight time. The service features the following types of meals:

  • Breakfast - Our wake-up includes a delicious dish (which includes cold meats and cheeses), fresh fruit and yoghurt. 
  • Cold Snack - Light cold meals composed of a delicious salad with Portuguese ingredients, fresh fruit and a sweet dessert.
  • Lunch / Dinner / Supper - For an unforgettable and memorable trip, the best of our chefs, with typical and delicious dishes with the best selection of fish, meat and pasta. Depending on the flight time, you may have 1, 2 or 3 hot options.

All meals include the best bread.

Our wines and beverages

Based on an innovative experience we have created our current menu that reflects the quality of Portuguese wine production, with variety in the offer and rigour in the choice of our wines, ensuring our passengers the best wine experience

We also serve fruit juices and coffees including espresso and various teas.

Watch the video on TAP's wine tests on land and in the air.


TAP may limit or prohibit the consumption of alcohol on board.

It is not permitted to take drinks purchased abroad onto the plane (except those purchased at Duty Free shops at the airport).


Meal pre-order on Business Class on flights over 2 hours departing from Lisbon

Customise the customer's flight by pre-ordering their desired meal. If it is a long-haul trip departing from Lisbon, or a medium-haul trip to/from Lisbon, you can choose the main course.

Reservations can be made up to 30 days before the flight date and up to 24 hours before departure.

  • On long-haul trips, you may choose between 3 main courses.
  • On medium-haul trips, you may choose between 2 main courses, on applicable routes lasting over 2 hours, if the flight takes place during lunchtime or dinner (variable depending on the route/level of service), if hot meals are served with an optional dish on these routes/planes.

Advance booking is still available for passengers:

  • Plusgrade,
  • Stopover or
  • travelling to an intercontinental destination with a transfer in Lisbon.
GDS entries

Make the advance booking in the passenger's reservation as if it were an SPML. If the destination/booking class is eligible and within the given deadlines the system will respond with the confirmation indication (KK or HK).


SR MEML - meat meal

SR FSML - fish meal (on long-haul trips only)

SR PTML - pasta meal












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