Passengers Contacts in the Bookings
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PTC in Name Field of CHD and INF bookings
Updated on 22 Jun 2022

It is mandatory to identify in a booking if the passenger is a child or an infant. The lack of this information may result in operational constraints at check-in or at the boarding gates ( because at online check-in a child has been assigned a seat in an emergency exit row).

Therefore, it is mandatory to insert the passenger PTC  in the name field of the PNR. This will create an automatic SSR CHLD or SSR INFT, which will allow TAP to correctly identify passengers. The non-insertion of the PTC information with age will result in an ADM of EUR25.00.


Example for Travelport users:


P-C09 = Child 9 years  

DOB09DEC09 - date of birth in free text (recommended)


Example for Amadeus users:



TAP is aware that the DOB information inserted in GDS other than Amadeus may not be correctly reflected on the TP system. Therefore we strongly encourage you to insert a manual SSR with the DOB.


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