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Multi-Airport Cities - Cities with more than one Airport
Updated on 18 Aug 2023

Since April 2023, IATA members have been using airport codes in "Multi-Airport Cities" destinations, i.e. cities with more than one airport and whose codes are associated with the same city code.

This change has an impact on the Fare Quote Display, where only airport codes should be used and not city codes, on Fare Calculation, on the Itinerary and Flight Coupon of tickets and EMDs that no longer show the city code but the airport code.

Among the 166 airports affected, we highlight those that were impacted in terms of TAP's fare package:

  • EWR - Newark (Newark Liberty International)
  • BDL (Hartford)
  • IZA (Juiz de Fora)
  • MDT (Harrisburg)
  • MCO (Orlando)
  • RSW (Fort Meyers)
  • XNA (Fayetteville Spring)
  • MCI (Kansas City)
  • SMF (Sacramento)



Example: Newark - EWR

To consult fares with the Point of Origin or Point of Destination in Newark, the EWR code must always be used (and not the NYC code).

Voluntary changes requiring automatic re-issuance of documents issued before 03APR23 will always give an error message and must be done manually.

For all tickets or EMDs issued before 03APR23 that are subject to voluntary changes requiring reissuance, a manual change of the city code present in the Fare Calculation will be required, replacing it with the airport code.




FQDLISNYC/ATP/D12JAN23/R,12DEC22/IH,L/FF/CB - on LIS EWR fares until 02APR23.

FQDLISEWR/ATP/D12JUN23/R,10APR23/IH,L/FF/CB - on LIS EWR fares on or after 03APR23


LIS TP NYC1925.18TP LIS404.17NUC2329.35END ROE0.930300 - Ticket Issued until 02APR23

LIS TP EWR538.53TP LIS168.22NUC706.75END ROE0.930300 - Ticket Issued on or after 03APR23

For information on entries in other GDS, please refer to their Helpdesk.



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