UNITED KINGDOM - Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA)
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CAPE VERDE - Timely arrival at the airport for check-in procedures
Updated on 02 Nov 2023

We kindly ask for your assistance in encouraging passengers to arrive at the airport in good time for check-in procedures.

SAL check-in

  • TP1548 SIDLIS opens at 21:50 and closes at 23:55
  • TP1552 SIDLIS opens at 10:00 and closes at 12:15

PRAIA check-in

  • TP1546 RAILIS opens at 10:00 and closes at 12:15
  • TP1542 RAILIS opens at 21:50 and closes at 23:55

SÃO VICENTE check-in

  • TP1558 VXELIS opens at 10:30 and closes at 12:30

BOAVISTA check-in

  • TP1570 BVCLIS opens at 10:30 and closes at 12:40
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