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Passenger contacts on bookings
Updated on 07 Nov 2024

Passenger contacts in bookings are very important, especially in these exceptional times.

TAP is under an obligation to inform its passengers in good time if any irregularity occurs on a flight. Therefore, a passenger contact, either telephone or email address, must be inserted in the PNR.

Beyond the legal issues, this is attentive to customers, who will appreciate being informed in a timely manner of any delay, schedule change or cancellation, etc.

Since 1 June 2019, in line with IATA Resolution 830d, it is recommended that Travel Agents insert this contact information, taking into account any data protection rules and directives.


If passengers do not wish to disclose their data, this shall also be inserted in the PNR under SSR CTCR and the text REFUSED.


Automatic notifications

To improve communication between the airline and its customers, TAP offers an automatic notification service via SMS or email about changes to flight times, rebooking and boarding gate changes, etc. 

To use this service, please provide the passenger's mobile phone number and email address or enter their frequent flyer number correctly when completing the booking.

TAP will identify the best contact to notify the passenger either in the booking or in the customer profile. 

This service sends passengers notifications in Portuguese or English about some specific situations concerning the status of their flights, namely:

  • flight schedule changes (changes not foreseen and occurring on the departure of a flight),
  • rebookings (any change of date or flight number, or of route)
  • change of boarding gate (if the original boarding gate is changed, TAP informs the passenger of this change via SMS)
  • and also notification of check-in opening (TAP sends an alert so that the passenger can check-in more easily online or via mobile devices)
  • closer to the time of travel, the passenger is reminded of the possibility of early check-in, if he has not already done so, among others. 

The notifications are sent to one of the existing contacts in the booking regardless of the number of passengers.

If the passengers wish to receive the details of their trip, please ensure to correctly insert their contacts in the booking. Contact TAP for any additional clarification.

All travel agencies must collaborate in the introduction of their customers' contacts.


GDS entries


APN-TP/[email protected]/EN/P1                   (EN = English)
APN-TP/M+3513661843178/PT/P1                                (use + instead of 00, followed by country code)

and / or
SR CTCM-00351123456789


SI.P1/SSRCTCMTPHK1/351914567896/PT                             (PT = Portuguese)




Although GDS allows the definition of 9 languages in the passenger contacts according to the code specified in the APN format, the notification service always sends the messages in PT, EN or PT/EN.

We recommend that you contact your GDS Help Desk to obtain the information on correct contact insertion so that the automatic notification will work.


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